There's So Much in Store

The best Outdoor Gear Store is here. We have a great selection of products for all your needs. We invite you to come visit us for a pleasant, efficient shopping experience. Our staff members would be more than happy to assist you personally to ensure you find exactly what you have in mind. And if you need assistance, ideas, or special service we’re at your beck and call. Feel free to pick up the phone with any questions you have and we’ll be glad to help.
About Chambley's
Hey, Alabama! Looking for quality outdoor gear, friendly service, and local expertise? Look no further than Chambley's in Valley right off the I-85 corridor!
Since 1983, Chambley's has been your one-stop shop for all things hunting, fishing, and outdoor living. Whether you're a seasoned outdoorsman or just getting started, our friendly staff (around 5-7 folks) are here to help. We're your neighbors, not a big box store, and we take pride in providing top-notch products and personalized service.
Here's what makes Chambley's special:
Fill up with confidence: We offer high-quality gas, including non-ethanol options, to keep your outdoor adventures running smoothly.
Gear up for the hunt: Find everything you need for a successful outing, from archery supplies and hunting licenses to camo clothing and ammo.
Reel in the big one: We carry a wide selection of fishing tackle, live bait, and coolers (including Yeti brands) to make your next fishing trip a success.
More than just the outdoors: Stock up on snacks and drinks for your trip, or browse our selection of Carhartt clothing, work boots, western wear and so much more.
A family-owned business you can trust: George, the owner, is a certified archery instructor who offers private lessons and group events you can sign up for here at the store.
Come visit Chambley's today! We're your local experts for all things outdoors, and we're committed to providing you with the best possible service. It's more than just a store, it's a community gathering place for outdoor enthusiasts in Valley, Lanett, and the surrounding area.
More high quality brands we carry

We Sell What You Love

Hunting Bows, Guns, Knives & More...
These products are some of our most popular and are currently available to purchase in-store. With the best quality and greatest variety available, you can rest assured that we have what you need. Stop by Chambley's today to learn more and speak with George about all we have to offer.

Outdoor Equipment
Here at Chambley's, all of our products are made from the best materials available. This item is not only the highest quality, but also comes in a variety of options to ensure you’ll find what you need. For more information feel free to call us or simply come by the store to see our full inventory.

Camping Gear & Outdoor Clothing More...
By offering only the highest quality of products, we guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your purchase - including this excellent item. It comes in a wide variety that’s available in-store today. Whatever unique or specific item you’re looking for, we’re confident you’ll find exactly what you need at Chambley's.
Have a look around